Living Life with Altitude

We are two soon-to-be newlyweds who live in Estes Park, Colorado - Paradise at 7,500 feet! We have recently bought a house and we are getting married in October. We hope to start a family soon. I am a culinary student and Cameron manages a Starbucks. We love our life and hope that you enjoy sharing in our adventures!

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Blowing in the New Year

Hold onto your hats, ladies and gentlemen....nothing special, I'm just saying hold onto your hat because if you don't it is going to blow away.

Quite windy up here the last week. Since about Monday we've had some pretty serious winds, which the news is saying should be dying down sometime this evening. I am ready for it! The sustained winds have just been really annoying all week. Our garbage can blew away on Tuesday since nobody was home to put it away after the garbage truck came. I found it yesterday about 70 yards away caught in the root system of an overturned tree. The majority of my exterior Christmas decorations have come down or have been blown away; the tree which I took such care to weigh and strap down came down the other day, and most of our lights have been blown off their gutter hooks. I found some of my garlands rolling across the yard, tumbleweed-style, and one of the big red bows is still stuck in a bush around the side of the house.

But so far there's been no damage, so, keep your fingers crossed that we'll ring in the New Year calmly and not with a tree down in the yard.

All that aside, the holidays are quickly winding down up here, and it's bittersweet for me. We had a great time hosting Cameron's family for Christmas. Some of my family came to visit Colorado, and it was very nice to have them come up and spend a day in Estes, even if it was a bit windy while they were here. The holidays are a good way for me to stay very busy--all that cleaning and cooking and entertaining--and now I am left with a little bit of uncertainty about what to do now. This week I made three trips to Denver in three days, visiting old friends and family and last night, seeing the Broadway tour of West Side Story with Cameron and my parents. While on the one hand it's going to be nice to have a couple days to decompress (and clean!) after the hubbub of the last week or so, I'd still rather have things lined up to do. This will be the first time since we moved in that we have not really had anything directly around the corner to be planning or preparing for, and since I am only working one day a week, it could be a very long end to the winter. I am hoping that some jobs might start to open up soon and I can have something else to do until spring.

That being said, 2012 is guaranteed to be a very busy and exciting year for us, with the wedding happening in October. I am also hoping that this year will be the year that I find an agent who will publish my book. My resolutions for 2011 were to finish my book and start sending queries to agents before the end of the year, and I did both of those things! This year, I resolve to find an agent and make this year the year that I publish. I also resolve to read more--something you'd think I'd be better at, but I'm not. (Sometimes it's hard for writers to read as much as we're supposed to, since often if you're writing at the same time as you're reading, your own voice has the chance to shift if you're not paying close attention.) But I digress.

May 2012 bring you joy and happiness, and most of all, I hope that you have a very fun and safe New Year's Eve from wherever you might be and whoever you might be with. Until next time!

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