Living Life with Altitude

We are two soon-to-be newlyweds who live in Estes Park, Colorado - Paradise at 7,500 feet! We have recently bought a house and we are getting married in October. We hope to start a family soon. I am a culinary student and Cameron manages a Starbucks. We love our life and hope that you enjoy sharing in our adventures!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Here Comes Santa Claus....hope he packed his long underwear....

Because it's bloody cold up here!

This is after we received just about a foot of snow yesterday. My car is stuck at the bottom of the hill below our house because neither Cameron nor I could get our vehicles up the incline that is our driveway. This is what my car looked like yesterday...before I had to leave the driveway.

I happen to love the snow and I'm glad we're in for a White Christmas, but I'm not thrilled about the prospect of being unable to get up the driveway--especially since I haven't yet done my grocery shopping and the notion of lugging a turkey and other Christmas dinner trimmings (plus food for us and the in-laws for the next few days) up my drive is a bit daunting. I guess I could leave them in the car for a while, not like anything's going to thaw out there anyway...

As chilly as those pictures look, we are actually pleasantly warm in here. That picture of the temperature read says that it's about 62 in here which might seem chilly to some, but it's not terrible. (Could be worse.) Although we only have one large Coleman heater (from probably the 60s) that does not blow air, we stay fairly cozy. My parents bought us a very handy space heater that warms up a room almost to the point of being too warm. I just hope that our visitors staying with us over the next few days will be sufficiently warm. (Although to be fair, 3/4 of them are from Kansas and Chicago, so I have no doubt they'll do fine.) It's all about the long underwear!

And when in doubt....there's always Longs Peak.

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